Perfect user experiences
Uninterrupted services

Planning To Change

Digital Transformation

Partnering with companies to help transition to digital systems and workflows, self managed ecommerce solutions and online offerings. Providing practical solutions that don't limit possibilities.

Graphic Design & Creative Direction

Brand & Identity

Building strong brand identities that speak to a company's ethos and product. We understand that trust starts with good branding and don't underestimate the importance of visual consistency.

Digital Marketing

Driving Conversions

Research & planning - tracking & reporting. We provide accurate forecasting and robust campaigns to drive conversions where it matters. 0% mark up on add spend and a focus on transparency and good communication allows us to make a promise - "Only happy surprises!".

Digital Marketing Agency

Planning To Change

We work with companies as they transition – whether it’s in function, appearance or both. Positive results are ensured through experience and planning. 

Digital Marketing Agency, Development solutions for small and medium businesses

Who We Are

Web Paste is a Waikato based Web Agency. We provide high quality digital solutions to small and medium businesses and organisations across New Zealand and Australia.

What We Do

We don't just build and manage websites. We build and leverage online assets to automate workflows, drive conversions, create systems, and achieve the unique visions of our clients.

Design, Develop, Optimise

Identifying the right technology for companies and customising it to their needs. Ensuring the longevity of client investment and building for scalability.

Web Design responsive by web paste
Wheel and tyre web development project
Digital Marketing Services New Zealand, New Web design

News Flash

What’s happening with Web Paste? Catch up on our latest projects, find something interesting, learn something new!

Client Testimonials

We are proud to work with inspirational companies and organisations across Australia & New Zealand